Arctech Launches New Single-Axis Tracker ‘SkySmart-2’

The world’s first tracking system compatible with 1500V four-string systems.

Arctech SkySmart-2

Arctech Solar, a leading solar tracking and tracking system provider, has launched its latest research achievement SkySmart-2, the industry’s first independent single-axis tracking system which introduces multiple fans driving up to 120 solar modules. It can solve the instability problem of regular 2P (two modules in portrait) tracking system and provide better stability for PV plant in extreme weather conditions.

Compared to a standard independent tracking system currently in the market, SkySmart-2 is a robust and cost-effective solution for the PV plant.

The key features of the new tracker include:

1. Enhanced wind-resistance capability:

On the basis of innovative structure design, 2P, four driving (fixed) points, and two-stage worm gears, SkySmart-2 can provide better system stability during extreme weather conditions, especially strong wind.

2. The industrial N-S slope record 20%:

With the unique top of the post, SkySmart-2 adapts to 20% S-N slope, equivalent to 11.3 degrees, which is the largest N-S slope ever in tracker industry.

3. A good match of bifacial modules:

Not only it ensures there is no covering on the back of the bifacial module and maximizes the performance of bifacial module, but it also compatible with all commercially available photovoltaic modules.

4. Fewer foundations:

If 370Wp modules are installed on a row, only 202 foundations will be used for 1MW; If 420Wp modules are installed on a row, only 178 foundations will be used for 1MW.

5. Lower cost:

The system comes with only one motor and controller, all worm gears are linked by the mechanical synchronising shaft, which can reduce installation, operating and maintenance costs.

6. Compatible with 1500V systems:

The world’s first tracking system compatible with 1500V four-string systems.

“The solar tracker industry had learned several hard lessons last year. SkySmart-2 is designed to respond to those challenges at an affordable cost for utility-scale solar projects. It is at the final stage of internal testing and set to enter the global market shortly,” said Mr. Guy Rong, President of Arctech Solar‘s international business.

“In fact, it has attracted lots of attention when we discussed this product with our customers. They love the design concept! We will see some solar projects equipped with SkySmart-2 very soon.”

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Ayush Verma

Ayush is a staff writer at and writes on renewable energy with a special focus on solar and wind. Prior to this, as an engineering graduate trying to find his niche in the energy journalism segment, he worked as a correspondent for
