PSU oil maor and ONGC subsidiary Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has issued a tender for the supply of solar PV power plants at three different locations of HPCL.
The scope of work includes operation & maintenance of the solar PV plants immediately after successful commissioning at Vadodara Terminal, Bihta in Bihar, and Kanpur Terminal, as a part of the operation and maintenance (O&M) contract. The O&M contract enrolls 5 years period from the day of commissioning of solar PV power plants at all the designated locations. Design, Supply, Installation & commissioning only for HPCL Patna New IRD & Vadodara Terminal. For Kanpur Terminal only Design, Installation & Commissioning is required. The Solar Module Mounting structure should meet the technical requirements along with frames, purlins, rafters, sag rods, and foundations with foundation bolts and other accessories.
The last date to submit the bids is 6 July 2021, while a pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for 22 June 2021. There a 120 days validity for the offer from the due date/ extended due date of opening of the un-priced bid.
The tender has been issued on a schedule-wise basis for all three locations; Schedule 1 at Vadodara terminal, Schedule 2 at Bihta, Bihar, and Schedule 3 at Kanpur Terminal. And interested bidder can quote for any one or all the schedules, as preferred by them, subject to meeting specified Bid Qualification Criteria.
HPCL proposes to conduct a reverse auction for the items or schedules or on an overall basis as specified in the tender. HPCL reserves the right to carry out an ‘Online Reverse Auction’ with techno-commercially accepted bidders for determining the lowest bidder. The reverse auction shall be conducted only when there are at least two or more “Techno-commercially” accepted vendors at the Technical evaluation stage.
The selected bidder will be needed to provide a schedule of inspection/testing of major equipment so that HPCL may send its representative to witness the tests upon completion of installation and commissioning of the project.
The owner may terminate the contract at any stage of the construction for reasons to be recorded in the letter of termination. In case of termination of the contract, the Owner shall have the right to carry out the unexecuted portion of the work either by themselves or through any other contractor(s) at the risk and cost of the Contractor.