(function(globals) { var django = globals.django || (globals.django = {}); django.pluralidx = function(n) { var v=(n != 1); if (typeof(v) == 'boolean') { return v ? 1 : 0; } else { return v; } }; /* gettext library */ django.catalog = django.catalog || {}; var newcatalog = { " in cart": " en carrito", "+ New \u0441omment": "+ Nuevo comentario", "Accept": "Aceptar", "Activate in Ubisoft Connect": "Activa en Ubisoft Connect", "Add to \u0441art": "Agregar a carrito", "An error occured, try again later": "Ocurri\u00f3 un error, por favor intenta mas tarde", "Are you sure that you want to add game \"{0}\" to account {1}?": "\u00bfEstas seguro que quieres agregar juego \"{0}\" a cuenta {1}?", "Cancel": "Cancelar", "Choose a payment method": "Selecciona un m\u00e9todo de pago", "Choose profile picture that you like": "Elige una imagen de perfil que te guste", "Close": "Cerrar", "Continue shopping": "Continuar comprando", "Create account": "Crear cuenta", "Go back": "Regresar", "HIDE THIS": "OCULTAR", "Heya!": "\u00a1Hola!", "In cart": "En carrito", "Include a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or symbols for a stronger password": "Incluye s\u00edmbolos a-z, A-Z, 0-9 para una contrase\u00f1a mas fuerte", "Incorrect CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA Incorrecto", "Incorrect email": "Correo incorrecto", "Incorrect password": "Contrase\u00f1a incorrecta", "Just click to add a game to favo... wait a second, you are not logged in! You'll need to register or log in to do that!": "Has click en agregar un juego a favori... espera un segundo, \u00a1no has iniciado sesi\u00f3n!\u00a1Necesitas registrarte o iniciar sesi\u00f3n!", "Just click to learn when the price dro... wait, you are not authorized to do that yet! You'll need to register or log in to gain access to this feature!": "Has click para saber cuando hayan descuen... espera, \u00a1no estas autorizadotodav\u00eda! Te tienes que registrar o inisiar sesi\u00f3n para utilizar esta caracter\u00edstica.", "Just {0} or {1} and make history!": "Solo {0} o {1} y has historia!", "Login to Ubisoft": "Ingresa a Ubisoft", "Max available payout amount": "Pago m\u00e1ximo", "Min payout amount": "Pago minimo", "No": "No", "No copy&paste": "No copiar&pegar", "No match": "Inconsistente", "No user comments yet": "Sin comentarios todav\u00eda", "Not a valid file type, images and PDF supported only": "Archivo inv\u00e1lido, solo PDF o Imagen", "Nothing has been said about this yet. You will literally be the first person to say something about it.": "No se ha dicho nada hasta el momento sobre esto. Ser\u00edas la primera personaen comentar.", "POST": "POST", "Password must contain at least 8 characters": "Contrase\u00f1a debe contener por lo menos 8 caracteres", "Please agree to the conditions": "Por favor acepta las condiciones", "Please agree to the privacy policy": "Por favor acepta el pol\u00edtica de privacidad ", "Please agree to the terms and conditions": "Por favor acepta los t\u00e9rminos y condiciones", "Please attach your invoice": "Adjunta tu factura", "Please select a file less than 10Mb": "Por favor selecciona un archivo inferior a 10Mb", "Please {0} or {1} to comment": "Por favor {0} o {1} para comentar", "Privacy policy": "T\u00e9rminos de Privacidad", "Product added to cart": "Producto agregado a carrito", "Reply": "Responder", "Reply from GamersGate": "Respuesta de GamersGate", "Required": "Requerido", "Search by game genres": "Buscar por g\u00e9nero", "Search results": "Resultados de b\u00fasqueda", "Search results for": "Resultados de busqueda para", "Show all results": "Mostrar resultados", "Show more": "Mostrar mas", "Sign In": "Iniciar Sesi\u00f3n", "The emails you've entered do not match": "Los correos que ingresaste no coinciden", "The emails you've entered should match": "Los correos que ingresaste no coinciden", "The passwords you've entered do not match": "Las contrase\u00f1as que ingresaste no coinciden", "Type your comment": "Escribe tu comentario", "Type your email": "Escribe tu correo", "Type your name": "Escribe tu nombre", "Unfortunately there are no payment options available in your location at the moment. Please, check back later. We apologize for the inconvenience.": "Desafortunadamente no hay opciones de pago disponibles en tu regi\u00f3n. Por favor vuelve m\u00e1s tarde. Disculpa las molestias.", "Username must not be empty or longer than 30 characters": "Nombre de usuario no puede estar vac\u00edo ni ser mas largo de 30 caract\u00e9res", "Username should contain only letters, numbers and underscore (the \"_\" symbol)": "Usuario debe contener letras, n\u00fameros y gui\u00f3n bajo (el s\u00edmbolo \"_\")", "View cart": "Ver carrito", "Yes": "S\u00ed", "You will be commenting as": "Comentar\u00e1s como", "Your comment should not be empty or longer than 3000 symbols": "Tu comentario no puede estar vac\u00edo o mayor a 3000 s\u00edmbolos", "Your message can not be empty": "Tu mensaje no puede estar vac\u00edo", "at": "en", "product": [ "producto", "productos" ], "result": [ "resultado", "resultados" ] }; for (var key in newcatalog) { django.catalog[key] = newcatalog[key]; } if (!django.jsi18n_initialized) { django.gettext = function(msgid) { var value = django.catalog[msgid]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return msgid; } else { return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0]; } }; django.ngettext = function(singular, plural, count) { var value = django.catalog[singular]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return (count == 1) ? singular : plural; } else { return value.constructor === Array ? value[django.pluralidx(count)] : value; } }; django.gettext_noop = function(msgid) { return msgid; }; django.pgettext = function(context, msgid) { var value = django.gettext(context + '\x04' + msgid); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = msgid; } return value; }; django.npgettext = function(context, singular, plural, count) { var value = django.ngettext(context + '\x04' + singular, context + '\x04' + plural, count); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = django.ngettext(singular, plural, count); } return value; }; django.interpolate = function(fmt, obj, named) { if (named) { return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match){return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])}); } else { return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match){return String(obj.shift())}); } }; /* formatting library */ django.formats = { "DATETIME_FORMAT": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M" ], "DATE_FORMAT": "Y-m-d", "DATE_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%y", "%b %d %Y", "%b %d, %Y", "%d %b %Y", "%d %b, %Y", "%B %d %Y", "%B %d, %Y", "%d %B %Y", "%d %B, %Y" ], "DECIMAL_SEPARATOR": ".", "FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": 0, "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT": "F j", "NUMBER_GROUPING": 0, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT": "m/d/Y P", "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "m/d/Y", "THOUSAND_SEPARATOR": ",", "TIME_FORMAT": "P", "TIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S.%f", "%H:%M" ], "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT": "F Y" }; django.get_format = function(format_type) { var value = django.formats[format_type]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return format_type; } else { return value; } }; /* add to global namespace */ globals.pluralidx = django.pluralidx; globals.gettext = django.gettext; globals.ngettext = django.ngettext; globals.gettext_noop = django.gettext_noop; globals.pgettext = django.pgettext; globals.npgettext = django.npgettext; globals.interpolate = django.interpolate; globals.get_format = django.get_format; django.jsi18n_initialized = true; } }(this));