(function(globals) { var django = globals.django || (globals.django = {}); django.pluralidx = function(n) { var v=(n != 1); if (typeof(v) == 'boolean') { return v ? 1 : 0; } else { return v; } }; /* gettext library */ django.catalog = django.catalog || {}; var newcatalog = { " in cart": " i varukorg", "+ New \u0441omment": "+ Ny kommentar", "Accept": "Acceptera", "Activate in Ubisoft Connect": "Aktivera i Ubisoft Connect", "Add to \u0441art": "L\u00e4gg till i kundvagn", "An error occured, try again later": "Ett fel har uppst\u00e5tt, f\u00f6rs\u00f6k igen senare", "Are you sure that you want to add game \"{0}\" to account {1}?": "\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill l\u00e4gga till spelet \"{0}\" till konto {1}?", "Cancel": "Avbryt", "Choose a payment method": "V\u00e4lj ett betalningsalternativ", "Choose profile picture that you like": "V\u00e4lj den profilbild du vill ha", "Close": "N\u00e4ra", "Continue shopping": "Forts\u00e4tt handla", "Create account": "Skapa konto", "Go back": "G\u00e5 tillbaka", "HIDE THIS": "D\u00f6lj", "Heya!": "Tjena!", "In cart": "I varukorg", "Include a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or symbols for a stronger password": "Inkludera a-z, A-Z, 0-9 eller symboler f\u00f6r ett s\u00e4krare l\u00f6senord", "Incorrect CAPTCHA": "Felaktig CAPTCHA", "Incorrect email": "Felaktig mejl", "Incorrect password": "Felaktigt l\u00f6senord", "Just click to add a game to favo... wait a second, you are not logged in! You'll need to register or log in to do that!": "Klicka bara p\u00e5 ett spel f\u00f6r att l\u00e4gga till favoriter... men v\u00e4nta en sekund, du \u00e4r inte inloggad!Du m\u00e5ste f\u00f6rst registrera dej.", "Just click to learn when the price dro... wait, you are not authorized to do that yet! You'll need to register or log in to gain access to this feature!": "Klicka f\u00f6r att se n\u00e4r priset s\u00e4tts ner... v\u00e4nta, detta \u00e4r inte tillg\u00e4ngligt f\u00f6r dej \u00e4nnu! Du beh\u00f6ver registrera dej eller logga in p\u00e5 ditt konto f\u00f6rst f\u00f6r att kunna nyttja denna funktion!", "Just {0} or {1} and make history!": "{0} eller {1} och skapa historia!", "Login to Ubisoft": "Logga in p\u00e5 Ubisoft", "Max available payout amount": "H\u00f6gsta tillg\u00e4ngliga utbetalningsbelopp", "Min payout amount": "Minsta utbetalningsbelopp", "No": "Nej", "No copy&paste": "Nej, kopiera och klistra", "No match": "Matchar ej", "No user comments yet": "Ingen anv\u00e4ndarkommentar \u00e4n", "Not a valid file type, images and PDF supported only": "Inte en giltig filtyp, endast bilder och PDF st\u00f6ds", "Nothing has been said about this yet. You will literally be the first person to say something about it.": "Inget har blivit sagt om detta \u00e4n. Du kommer bli den f\u00f6rsta som kommenterar.", "POST": "SKICKA", "Password must contain at least 8 characters": "L\u00f6senordet m\u00e5ste inneh\u00e5lla minst 8 tecken", "Please agree to the conditions": "Godk\u00e4nn villkoren", "Please agree to the privacy policy": "Godk\u00e4nn sekretesspolicyn f\u00f6r att g\u00e5 vidare", "Please agree to the terms and conditions": "Godk\u00e4nn anv\u00e4ndarvillkoren", "Please attach your invoice": "Bifoga dina faktura", "Please select a file less than 10Mb": "V\u00e4lj en fil som \u00e4r mindre \u00e4n 10 Mb", "Please {0} or {1} to comment": "{0} eller {1} f\u00f6r att kommentera", "Privacy policy": "Integritetspolicy", "Product added to cart": "Produkt tillagd i varukorg", "Reply": "Svara", "Reply from GamersGate": "Svar fr\u00e5n GamersGate", "Required": "N\u00f6dv\u00e4ndigt", "Search by game genres": "S\u00f6k via spelgenrer", "Search results": "S\u00f6kresultat", "Search results for": "Visa s\u00f6kresultat efter", "Show all results": "Visa alla resultat", "Show more": "Visa mer", "Sign In": "Logga in", "The emails you've entered do not match": "De mejladresser du har angivit matchar ej", "The emails you've entered should match": "De mejladresser du angivit matchar ej", "The passwords you've entered do not match": "L\u00f6senorden du angivit matchar ej varandra", "Type your comment": "Ange din kommentar", "Type your email": "Ange din mejladress", "Type your name": "Ange ditt namn", "Unfortunately there are no payment options available in your location at the moment. Please, check back later. We apologize for the inconvenience.": "Tyv\u00e4rr finns det inga tillg\u00e4ngliga betalningsalternativ p\u00e5 din plats just nu. V\u00e4nligen \u00e5terkom senare. Vi ber om urs\u00e4kt f\u00f6r besv\u00e4ret.", "Username must not be empty or longer than 30 characters": "Anv\u00e4ndarnamnet f\u00e5r inte vara tomt eller l\u00e4ngre \u00e4n 30 tecken", "Username should contain only letters, numbers and underscore (the \"_\" symbol)": "Anv\u00e4ndarnamnet ska enbart inneh\u00e5lla bokst\u00e4ver, siffror och \"_\"-symbolen", "View cart": "Visa varukorg", "Yes": "Ja", "You will be commenting as": "Du kommer att kommentera som", "Your comment should not be empty or longer than 3000 symbols": "Dina kommentarer kan inte vara tomma eller inneh\u00e5lla fler \u00e4n 3000 tecken", "Your message can not be empty": "Ditt meddelande kan ej vara tomt", "at": "omkring", "product": [ "produkt", "produkter" ], "result": [ "resultat", "resultat" ] }; for (var key in newcatalog) { django.catalog[key] = newcatalog[key]; } if (!django.jsi18n_initialized) { django.gettext = function(msgid) { var value = django.catalog[msgid]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return msgid; } else { return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0]; } }; django.ngettext = function(singular, plural, count) { var value = django.catalog[singular]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return (count == 1) ? singular : plural; } else { return value.constructor === Array ? value[django.pluralidx(count)] : value; } }; django.gettext_noop = function(msgid) { return msgid; }; django.pgettext = function(context, msgid) { var value = django.gettext(context + '\x04' + msgid); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = msgid; } return value; }; django.npgettext = function(context, singular, plural, count) { var value = django.ngettext(context + '\x04' + singular, context + '\x04' + plural, count); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = django.ngettext(singular, plural, count); } return value; }; django.interpolate = function(fmt, obj, named) { if (named) { return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match){return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])}); } else { return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match){return String(obj.shift())}); } }; /* formatting library */ django.formats = { "DATETIME_FORMAT": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M" ], "DATE_FORMAT": "Y-m-d", "DATE_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%y", "%b %d %Y", "%b %d, %Y", "%d %b %Y", "%d %b, %Y", "%B %d %Y", "%B %d, %Y", "%d %B %Y", "%d %B, %Y" ], "DECIMAL_SEPARATOR": ".", "FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": 0, "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT": "F j", "NUMBER_GROUPING": 0, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT": "m/d/Y P", "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "m/d/Y", "THOUSAND_SEPARATOR": ",", "TIME_FORMAT": "P", "TIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S.%f", "%H:%M" ], "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT": "F Y" }; django.get_format = function(format_type) { var value = django.formats[format_type]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return format_type; } else { return value; } }; /* add to global namespace */ globals.pluralidx = django.pluralidx; globals.gettext = django.gettext; globals.ngettext = django.ngettext; globals.gettext_noop = django.gettext_noop; globals.pgettext = django.pgettext; globals.npgettext = django.npgettext; globals.interpolate = django.interpolate; globals.get_format = django.get_format; django.jsi18n_initialized = true; } }(this));