Punjab Energy Development Agency Issues Tender for Supply of 53.69 MWp of Solar Plants

Highlights :

  • The last date of submission of bids earlier fixed for 15.02.2023 now stands extended to 20.03.2023 upto 3:00 PM and opening of the technical bids on dated 22.03.2023 at 3:00 PM.

Punjab Energy Development Agency has issued a tender for the design, survey, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of 29 grid connected solar power plants of cumulative capacity of 53.69 MWp.

The RfS has been issued for selection of Solar Power Generators (SPGs) for feeder level solarisation of 25000 grid connected agriculture pumps through RESCO mode under Component-C of PM-KUSUM Scheme.

The last date of submission of bids earlier fixed for 15.02.2023 now stands extended to 20.03.2023 upto 3:00 PM and opening of the technical bids on dated 22.03.2023 at 3:00 PM.

The tender fee is Rs 10,000 and the processing fee is Rs 2,360. The EMD amount is Rs 53,69,000.

PM-KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan) Scheme is aimed at ensuring energy security for farmers in India. Component-C of the scheme aspires for the solarisation of 10 lakh grid connected agriculture pumps. Under this Component, individual farmers having grid connected agriculture pump will be supported to solarise pumps. The farmer will be able to use the generated solar power to meet the irrigation needs and the excess solar power will be sold to DISCOMs at pre-fixed tariff.

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